A Healthy Conversation–How To Chill Out…Naturally

Happy Pill?



DONNA:                     Hey there, welcome to A Healthy Conversation welcome to Krech Cottage. I like saying that, Krech Cottage.


JOHN:                         Has a nice ring to it.


DONNA:                     I know, I like that. Notice, we’ve got a lot of water back here, so we’ve got some serious relaxation going on when we’re down here and we’re glad to welcome you into our other home. So, let’s review just a little bit; we’ve been talking over the last several weeks about how needing sleep is vital. Not just for feeling good, we know that, but it’s vital for keeping your weight in check, keeping your emotions in check, just keeping your health good, period.

We’ve talked about how learning to relax, setting the stage for getting good sleep when you go to bed, we talked about that. We’ve talked about what to eat, what not to eat, how to exercise, how to have a positive mental outlook, because that allows you to relax. And we promised that we’ll talk about meditation and the different kind of brain waves to help you really get into relaxed state, and we will.

But today, we wanted to kind of recap last week. So, we were talking about the different levels of cortisol and how it can really affect you. And listen friends, it’s not just weight gain. More importantly than weight gain is when you are completely stressed out – well John said something to me when we went to dinner after I kind of had a breakthrough with all the stress I’ve been dealing with. He looked at me and said, “You know, for the first time in a long time. . .” do you remember what you said?


JOHN:                         Your face doesn’t have stress on it.


DONNA:                     He said, “For the first time in a long time, your face doesn’t have stress on it” and I want that for you. So, yeah we’re going to get the weight in check and we’re going to get your health improved, but the thing is you’re going to feel better, you’re not going to feel stressed out. We’re going to talk about that in future episodes.

But today, because we talked specifically about how Phase One is high, high cortisol, but everybody feels really good so they don’t check it out.


JOHN:                         Right.


DONNA:                     But Phase Two is where it’s really throwing things out of balance. That’s when they start having all these symptoms, that’s when they need to check it out, right? But they may not. That’s where we can help. Now we can’t help if you’re in Phase Three where it’s bottomed out too, but we can really help in that Phase Two when you just feel stressed and uptight. So we’re going to talk about a product that we believe in enormously.


JOHN:                         Been selling it for years, at least what? Eight or nine years now probably.


DONNA:                     And our members in our Lima facility and I think in our facilities around the country call it the happy pill, it’s called Relora.


JOHN:                         Relora and it’s nothing more than the magnolia herb, which is a very, very common herb. It’s not addictive, as far as I’m concerned, it has nothing but an upside to it. It just takes the edge off which is probably one of the simplest things you can do to kind of balance yourself out a little bit.


DONNA:                     It’s been referred to as the “natural Prozac” I’ve heard that.


JOHN:                         Yeah, I’ve heard that too. But I think like Prozac you’re not going to get addicted to it.


DONNA:                     Nothing addictive and no side effects whatsoever, you just feel good. Now do you encourage people to take three a day?


JOHN:                         I usually tell them it really depends on their stress level. I mean if they’re super stressed out, start taking three a day. After a few days if you seem like you’re getting a grip with it, take it down to two or one a day. Kind of play it by ear.


DONNA:                     Almost like a maintenance dose, right?


JOHN:                         Exactly. Exactly.


DONNA:                     So, when you first start out, it’s probably good to take one in the morning, one midafternoon –


JOHN:                         Afternoon and one in the evening before you go to bed, because it’s going to relax you.


DONNA:                     And do that every day. It isn’t again so much as you’ll feel – you don’t feel tired or anything like that, you just feel calmer, right?


JOHN:                         As you said, it just takes the edge off.


DONNA:                     And that’s what the magnolia root does?


JOHN:                         Exactly.


DONNA:                     So, when we go clear back into root study, magnolia root was used to have a calming effect.


JOHN:                         Once again, it takes down the cortisol levels, which has all kinds of great effects, so —


DONNA:                     Well probably based on what we’re learning now, because it calms you, that’s why the cortisol level goes down.


JOHN:                         Cortisol level goes down.


DONNA:                     It doesn’t necessarily take it down, but because it’s calming you, your body’s just not in that ramped up mode and cortisol isn’t being produced. I think that – what was it Kava Kava years ago?


JOHN:                         Well Kava Kava kind of got a bad rap about eight or nine years ago. More people are using valerian root. Valerian tea, valerian root, that’s a nice relaxing tea that a lot of times you take cup of it before you go to bed at night. I think it’s in a lot of the Nighty Nite and the Sleepy Time types of tea, it has the valerian root in it.


DONNA:                     So we could have a cup of the valerian tea in the middle of the afternoon to take the edge off?


JOHN:                         Calm you down a little bit, sure.


DONNA:                     And what about – what was the other one years ago? St. John’s Wort.


JOHN:                         St. John’s Wort is another one that balances out – it’s supposed to balance out your moods. Takes the lows and the highs out.


DONNA:                     Would you have somebody take all three of these?


JOHN:                         No, I usually don’t like that. Try one at a time just kind of see what happens there.

DONNA:                     So, we very much recommend Relora, we use it. Everybody that we know takes it. Once upon a time I used Kava Kava regularly and before that it was St. John’s Wort. So, you’re saying go with one. Valerian root tea is a good idea. I think the last thing we’ll leave you with today is that it’s a good idea if you can kind of take in these calming agents in the afternoon because that’s when stress is built up. That is when your day has kind of gotten to you. You know what? We used to talk about how some people are more stressed than others and some people are busier than others, we’ve changed our mind, right? It doesn’t matter who you are, life is busy, and life is crazy and there’s a pretty good chance that you’re feeling kind of overwhelmed by the things of life and the demands that are put on you.

So in the middle of the afternoon, and that’s what we’ll talk about next week with the whole meditation and the alpha waves and gamma waves and beta waves and delta waves in your brain and what they’ll do for you. If you’ll get to a place of calming in the afternoon, that’s what’s been proven to be the best. Makes sense.


JOHN:                         You set your body up to rest at night a little bit better too.


DONNA:                     Exactly. It’s kind of a good breaking point to have that cup of tea, get away to more of a calm place, even if it’s for ten minutes, to just quiet your mind, have that cup of tea, take a Relora, and settle yourself down.  And yes, it is good, go for a walk, absolutely, but I think we’re probably going to share with those both.


JOHN:                         Question that a little bit tomorrow?


DONNA:                     Right?

JOHN:                         Yeah.


DONNA:                     Yeah. It sounds like John’s getting a text message, so I think that’s our queue, we’re going to have to talk to you next time. Bye-bye and thanks for visiting.

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