Are You Living A Prescription Nightmare?

Do you find yourself at your doctor’s office all too often?

Are you taking a handful of pills to keep certain medical issues at bay like high blood pressure, cholesterol levels or chronic pain? That was almost me but here’s how I avoided pumping my body full of poisons and alleviated the medical issues I was having.

I’ve gone through a lot of health challenges over the years like Epstein Barr virus and whooping cough among other things and eventually we found out that it was largely stress related. I let all that stress get to me and it completely wrecked my immune system and eventually wrecked my adrenals as well. Within a year I found myself not being able to lift my head or get off the couch. All of that stress almost burned out my adrenals completely which is actually called Addison’s disease. I was in so much pain it literally hurt to walk. Medicine would say you have fibromyalgia and you should take Lyrica. I was so fatigued that I couldn’t keep my eyes open most of the time. I had no strength whatsoever; I had no energy. My thyroid tests were coming back bad. All of a sudden my blood pressure was skyrocketing. One doctor told me that my insulin was off and I was headed towards being diabetic.

I’ve been nothing but mega healthy my entire life and now we’ve got all this stuff being thrown at us. The point of my sharing this is this we don’t want you to live a prescription nightmare I almost had to live. I could be on several thyroid medications, something for blood pressure, some kind of diabetic or pre-diabetic medication, and Lyrica for fibromyalgia. Had I gone on all of the suggested medications I’d be dealing with many of the side effects like feeling sluggish, totally fatigued and achy. I just wanted to feel good again. We never want to send the message the medical community is wrong. John beat his cancer with natural and medical protocols, we believe that. We always try to avoid prescriptions if possible. If someone needs a prescription its fine for a temporary or short term situation until you can find something hopefully that is natural that will take its place.

I chose to go on a natural protocol which I’ll share another time and I feel fantastic. I don’t hurt at all. I’m sleeping phenomenally; my energy is back and I feel better than I’ve felt in forever. So if you’re living a prescription drug nightmare having to take several prescription drugs and you’re experiencing a lot of those side effects you need to get proactive.

Back up, look at your systems and look at what natural solutions there are. It might take a little bit longer, but you wouldn’t be going through the prescription drug issue you might be going through now. That’s my story, I didn’t feel good. But I feel great now.

Donna Krech

Donna Krech

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