Code Words For Fat Found On Every Menu

We all are aware that restaurants have some tantalizing language to describe foods in ways to entice you to choose them.  Major chain restaurants spend millions of dollars on their advertising and market research to get you there and keep you coming back. What you may not know is that those tantalizing words are also code words for hidden fat and calories.

Key “Fat Code” Culprits

. Anything creamy is going to be loaded with calories, no matter what. We know it’s delicious but there are so many options that you can do that aren’t creamy. So if it’s a creamy soup you know that it’s going to be made with whole milk or half and half, cream, maybe there’s something with buttermilk in there and there’s definitely butter. So really, really watch that.

Crispy: Crispy doesn’t sound that bad, but that usually just means it’s completely fried in oil so they’re just not putting the word fried on there. Think about that. Why would they put the word fried? Crispy sounds not only healthier but it sounds lighter too. Just keep in mind crispy equals fried.

Crusted: Items that are crusted typically have a lot of butter, cheese oil because that’s what helps the breadcrumbs or almonds, or flower or whatever base to actually stick. In 2030 FastTrack recipes we just use egg whites or eggs because that is what will help it stick but restaurants are not going to do that.

Rich, velvety, gooey: These descriptions all sound delicious but also are all code words for tons of fat. We don’t think about that when we see rich and velvety because it sounds delicious.

Sizzling: What makes things sizzle? Oil, the very thing we want to avoid in excess amounts. There’s a lot of types of oil that we don’t want and restaurants use a lot of oil because it is cheap, it’s easy and it’s fast.

If you’ve been shying away from enjoying meals out with your friends and family because you thought you’d throw off your results, we have the perfect class to give you the tools you need to have a great experience without seeing the scale jump up with our Weight Loss Is On The Menu class.

Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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