Courage Equals Happy By Donna Krech


Courage = Happy!Human Vibration Chart 

If you’ve ever felt uncertain, scared or even powerless, here’s something to be happy about, this morning. On the human vibration chart, courage is where power appears.

Hence, when we do something we’ve not done before, when we step forward from fear & step up into the unknown, when we face something that causes us to want to say, “But…..,” that’s when we move up!!

I’m deciding which area of my life to display courage, on this very day!


  • Someone who doesn’t really want to commit to a healthy lifestyle might join a wellness program.
  • Someone who’s intimidated about joining a gym might join a group fitness class.
  • Someone who fears their business might fail might add a new thing to sell.
  • Someone who’s scared about money might learn to invest in real estate.
  • Someone nervous about being rejected might reach out to another person to create a new relationship.

Even writing these things causes me to feel what each of these fears might feel like.

However, writing the ideas that display courage causes me to feel that power rise up, also.

And, THAT is a reason to be happy!

Displaying courage is where our power rises! And our power rising is where we begin to move into becoming all we were created to be!

Courage = Happy!

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