I saw something the other day that said, “The difference between diet and lifestyle is when you’re on a diet and you mess up you just give up and lifestyle is when you mess up and realize you’re not perfect and you’ll do better, the next meal.”

With all due respect to whoever created that, I adamantly disagree with that definition of diet versus lifestyle because diet is simply “do I eat this”. Diet means you’re thinking about your food and diet may mean you stick to the plan or you don’t stick to the plan, but you’re just thinking about what food choices to make and beating yourself up all too often over making the “wrong choices”. Now I do that little quotation thing because when you use the words on plan or off plan that is an indication, you’re on a diet, because you’re thinking about the food.

So, the difference between diet and lifestyle isn’t that if you mess up you completely just say I’m done and with lifestyle, you say I’m not perfect I’ll go ahead and do good the next meal.

Diet is when you’re always thinking about whether you did well with the food or didn’t do well with the food.

Lifestyle is where you’re really just not thinking about the food it’s just become a part of who you are, you are, however, thinking about you’re thinking and you’re realizing that you have choices and that you’re making choices and the best part of listening to your brain is catching yourself when you have a thought that isn’t going to benefit you. It’s making a decision to switch the thought.

Beth Hammond

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