Don’t Go To Your Grave with Your Gift Still in You ~ Donna Krech

Don’t Go to Your Grave with Your Gift Still in You

The Reason You Are Here

Every single person has a purpose. There is a reason you are here. You have things you are good at, things you are great at, and things you are truly excellent at. More importantly, you have passions—things that set your soul on fire.

The Power of Passion and Purpose

Too often, we hide our passion. We hesitate to marry it with our excellence or our skills. But when we do, we unlock a life beyond our wildest dreams. We feel fulfilled, complete, happy, and whole. And in doing so, we make the world around us a better place. That is the power of living in alignment with your true purpose.

A Life Lived Fully: Remembering Ayanna

This message weighs heavily on my heart because this weekend, I will attend a celebration of life for Ayanna—a beautiful soul who passed away at just 26 years old due to breast cancer.

Ayanna lived life grandly. She never allowed anyone to feel sorry for her, despite enduring cancer three times. She was smart, articulate, kind, driven, and a tiny firecracker of a person. If you met her, you were impacted. If you knew of her struggles, you were forever changed.

She was only 26.

Let that sink in.

The Myth of “Someday”

We often say, “I’d love to do ___” or “Someday, when ___ happens, I’ll ___.” But what if someday never comes? What if today is your only chance? Because today is all you are guaranteed.

Ayanna understood this. She lived every day to the fullest. She mastered running an office, led a dental practice to new heights, built a beautiful life with her partner, pioneered wellness initiatives, sought deep answers about faith, and dreamed of creating a candle company. She wanted to give people hope.

I remember when she shared her vision with me. She had a name in mind—”The Senses.” I looked her in the eye and said, “No, sweet girl, it’s called ‘The Aroma of Hope.'” Because hope radiated from her being. She loved it. And she made it happen.

Ayanna lived her passion. She shared her gifts. And because of that, she left an indelible mark on the world.

What About You?

Now, I ask you: What is that voice inside of you saying about YOUR gift?

What have you always wanted to do? What dream keeps resurfacing? What do you believe you are here to offer the world?

Are you doing it?

The world needs you. Your gift matters. Your story, your business, your art, your message—they all matter. The world needs your voice, your hands, your skills, your dream. I need you.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt

I confess—I’ve pursued my gift only partially. I allowed others’ opinions to make me doubt my dream. I let fear convince me that my gift wasn’t important.

But that is a lie. My gift matters. And so does yours.

What do you love? What are you great at? What is calling to you? Don’t let fear stop you. Don’t let doubt silence you. Don’t go to your grave with your gift still in you.

Take Action Today

Ayanna lived 26 years and expressed so many of her gifts. You are likely well over 26. And none of us is promised tomorrow.

I want to see you pursue your dream. I want to see you live your purpose. The world needs you to.

And if I can help you discover your gift or move forward in it, I would be honored. Send me a message, and let’s talk. But whatever you do—please, don’t go to your grave with your gift still in you. ❤️

Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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