Healthy Conversation–Eat This Food And Live Long

Eating This Lowers Risk Of Dying Prematurely 42%


DONNA:                     Hey there, welcome to A Healthy Conversation. So, welcome to Krech Cottage again. The lake is beautiful behind us. We’re hanging out outside, it is possible you might hear one of the —


JOHN:                         Dogs barking.


DONNA:                     One of the furry little children in the background, because they’re not really happy with us right now, that they’re in there and we’re out here. So today we’re going to talk about how you mom was always right.


DONNA/JOHN:         Right.


DONNA:                     My mom was always right. I don’t know, was your mom always right?


JOHN:                         Most of the time.


DONNA:                     My mom was always right, well except the clean up your plate one. Except eat all the food on your plate, I don’t know about that one, but that’s a whole other segment.


JOHN:                         Give it to the dog.


DONNA:                     Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Where we give it to the dog today. Some of our friends say our dogs eat better than they do, because we spoil them rotten. If we have left over steak, I can’t believe we’re going to tell this, we bring the steak home for the dogs and give it to the dogs. Okay, so we think out dogs are kids. Anyway —


JOHN:                         Mom was right.


DONNA:                     And that means?


JOHN:                         Came across some interesting statistics about what we eat: veggies. Now this is pretty phenomenal, I think.


DONNA:                     Because this comes with numbers.


JOHN:                         Yes. Eating veggies lowers your risk of dying prematurely by 42%.


DONNA:                     So we need to say that again. Eating the vegetables, you’re mom called them “vegables”.


JOHN:                         Yeah.


DONNA:                     Lowers my risk of premature death —


JOHN:                         From all causes, by 42%.


DONNA:                     By 42%. Makes you want to go grab some green beans, asparagus, some lettuce.


JOHN:                         Now this is compared to people who don’t eat vegetables.


DONNA:                     Right. Okay, so give us the rest of those numbers.


JOHN:                         Now one – Okay, let’s back up. They also enjoyed a 31% lower risk of heart disease and a 25% lower risk of cancer.


DONNA:                     So what we’re saying is people who eat veggies. But this has got to be a certain serving, so let’s jump to that.


JOHN:                         We’ll go through that, but let’s go down – that was seven or more servings it was 42%. Five to seven servings it went down to 36% from 42%.


DONNA:                     So if I eat seven servings in a day, 42%?


JOHN:                         42%.


DONNA/JOHN:         Five to seven servings —


JOHN:                         Is 36%.


DONNA:                     Okay.


JOHN:                         Three to five servings was 29%.


DONNA:                     That might be where a lot of people fall, don’t you think? Maybe three to five servings.


JOHN:                         Yeah. And one to three servings had a 14% lower risk. Now, a serving is considered – one vegetable service, according to the – US government got these stats – one cup of raw or cooked vegetables or fresh vegetable juice or two cups of green leafy vegetables —


DONNA:                     Is a serving?


JOHN:                         Is a serving.


DONNA:                     So, now I’m going to tell on him, when he has a salad, when we’re eating at home —


JOHN:                         It’s one serving.


DONNA:                     Yeah right. You know those kind of serving dish – yeah because it’s a serving dish – you know the serving dish that you pass around the table when you’re eating with your family? That dish, that’s what my husband puts his salad in. So, all joking aside now, if two cups of lettuce is a serving, you’re probably putting away three –


JOHN:                         Three to five servings probably just in that.


DONNA:                     Just in that, yeah.


JOHN:                         Yeah.


DONNA:                     And that’s an easy way to get your vegetables in actually.

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