I Have Always Known I Was Different – Donna Krech

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”

~Coco Chanel


I have always known I was different. And, I’ve come to realize, that’s not only OK, it’s awesome.

The thing is, everyone is different. But most people don’t stop to think about it.

And, I believe that is one of the key reasons people are unhappy… even dealing with anxiety or suffering from situational depression.

If we don’t stop to think about, and pursue living in, our uniqueness, we are living a life of not operating in our gifts. We walk around trying to be what we think we should be or what someone else told us we had to be.

Once we think about our uniqueness, that allows us to begin moving in our purpose. And when we are living out our purpose… life is absolutely beautiful!

Because absolute beauty begins the moment we decide to be ourselves.

I get it. It’s hard.

You don’t necessarily want to stand out. Or, maybe it’s that you don’t want to make waves. Perhaps you’re concerned people will say you are full of yourself.

You also don’t want to feel alone.

You worry that, if you live out the purpose you believe you were created for, others might pull away from you. You feel anxious that there won’t be as many people you have things in common with.

But, if you don’t pursue your purpose, the following, happens. You’ll be miserable. You’ll feel lost. And, you’ll feel alone. Because deep inside, you know you’re different.

Here’s the thing, though, if you will stop to think about it, and you will act on it, and you will pursue that purpose which is wonderfully, (maybe even weirdly) and uniquely yours….God will show you how to serve so many people with it, that you will never want to hide it under a bushel again!

Because, when you’re loving on others, you will feel love. When you are inspiring someone else, you’ll be inspired. When you are giving, you receive. When you are teaching, you learn.

So…what say ye, my friend? Will you join Coco Chanel and I in the ranks of those who step out into who we are? Will you be one of us who says…

I have always known I was different. And, that’s not only OK…it’s awesome!!

Beth Hammond

Beth Hammond

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