Sticks and stones may break our bones, but God’s words build our confidence!

My prayer for us today…


”Father, this morning I am EXCITED! I come to your throne partly feeling like a giddy little girl who’s just been told she’ll be princess and partly feeling like a mighty warrior who’s been guaranteed victory in the battle she’s called to fight.

Both who’ve just learned a story of how you always come through on your promises, of how no matter what others say against us, when we are focused on you, your words come alive in our lives with more power and authority than any words of men. No matter what the evidence says, your words say you have all our situations covered.

Lord, I come boldly, asking for this reality to rise up in me today… and I bring my friend reading this prayer as well. My heart tells me they have had words spoken against them, their families, their dreams and even that which they have already built. THANK YOU for allowing me to be the mouthpiece with this prayer.

Man’s words are truly powerless when YOU have spoken into our spirit what you will do! Oh, my Father, even as the King of Assryia mocked King Hezekiah, even as he told King Hezekiah’s people that they would be defeated, even as he threatened them with how he would destroy them, King Hezekiah looked to you, clinging to the word you had given him. And you, in-turn, reminded him not only that you would reward his faithfulness to you, but that you would see to it that the words spoken against him would never come to fruition. (2 Kings 18:13-19:37)

Today, God let us come to you, always and especially when the words of others have caused our confidence to wane. Let us remember the POWERFUL example in Kings that reminds us of the child’s cliché…. while sticks and stone may break our bones, your words build our confidence! Let us remain steadfast! You have already spoken victory for us! Your word builds our confidence!  Your word builds our confidence! And all God’s people said, AMEN.”

Donna Krech

Donna Krech

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